Friday, March 12, 2010


I will be spending the summer at my mom's house in New Hampshire, which is something I haven't done for literally 20 years. And even back then I had things to do - I took summer classes in elementary school and went to day camp for a few weeks. I have no idea what to expect. I know there will be mosquitoes and humidity and crickets chirping but I just can't fathom what that will be like. I also don't know what I will do the whole time. I want to watch TV and get a job (kinda), and rollerblade like I used to but that's not really much. So I'm making a list of things I'm looking forward to in NH to try to make it more real.

Wicked starry nights. Are they as good as I faintly recall? Sometimes at night in SD I look up at the sky and see the big dipper and think of how amazing it is that there're so many stars in the city and I'm hoping that I've forgotten just how many stars there are.
Rollerblading for travel. Obviously SD has great rollerblading opportunities but it's not a way to get around. If I want to go somewhere close I have to walk and if I want to go somewhere far I have to drive. Nowhere in Merrimack is too far to rollerblade and it's pretty flat too. Also, the weather won't be perfect so I won't have the excuse of "I can't just rollerblade tomorrow."
Humidity. I think I may be underestimating how awful this will be, but I do remember enjoying the AC more because it was so humid. It's hot in SD in the summer but the AC in all the buildings is overkill and makes it cold. I think with the humidity in NH the AC will actually feel good. Also, my mom's basement is so nice and cool that it will be enjoyable. Maybe.
The pool. I've been trying to find friends with a pool since I moved here and have failed. The ocean is nice but it's not as fun or safe alone, which is what I will be in the middle of the day. The pool is close, which means I can walk home for the restroom or a snack or a nap. The problem is, I have no idea what it's like at my mom's house since I haven't been there in 20 years and am worried that it will be crowded and loud. I'm pretty sure I can go for an early swim with that old lady who floats in her raft though.
The woods. I haven't forgotten how much I miss the woods. I think there aren't as many as there used to be but there's still a lot. The hiking in California is just not my thing - there's rattlesnakes and low brush and sand. I can't wait to be back with the trees and the the dirt and the rocks and the green stuff. Maybe someone will go to Mt. Washington with me. Oh maybe my mom will want to! But that's getting ahead of myself. There're woods all over the neighborhood to walk in. and streams and it'll be nice and cool.
The crunchies. San Diego has some really great ice cream and the soft serve at the zoo hits the spot every time, but no one has crunchies like King Kone. I'm excited to get a cone - maybe a weird banana one, top it with crunchies, and then walk down to wildcat falls to sit in the cool stream and eat. Here's hoping no dead bodies float by.
Rainy days. This one is weird. I don't think I really want it to rain but I think the rain will be way better there than it is in SD. First of all people will be better drivers. Secondly there will be indoor things to do. Thirdly there might be thunder and lightning! I haven't seen summer rain in five years. Is it hot?
Summer TV. Aren't there like special summer shows that I've never seen? Like guilty pleasure shows that they can't run during real TV watching seasons? I've never had a summer TV and think it might be awesome. Also, I wonder if my mom has HBO because I'm pretty sure they have good summer programming. If she doesn't, I wonder how I can convince her.
Tax free shopping. Obviously this one is pretty awesome. Today I bought something for $7 and it ended up being $7.61 with tax. 61 cents! That might as well be a dollar because with one quarter I can't even park downtown long enough to return a library book. Now I don't exactly have any money to shop with but I will need to buy some things for my trip overseas, right? or gifts. or something. Do they tax on deodorant and shampoo and stuff? I'll just have to stay away from the mall most days. Or get a job there! oy.
Seeing old friends. No idea who is around or who will want to see me but there must be a lunch date waiting somewhere, right? I think this one is more aptly titled, anticipating who I will see, because that's really what I'm excited about. I have no idea who I'll run into or who I'll end up hanging out with (please, someone!).
Spending time with my nephews. Kinda. It could be great or it could be a disaster. Here's hoping it's great. Also, it could never happen, knowing my sister.
Playing DDR with my mom. I wonder if she's ever played. She's gonna love it, right? HOw could she not? I think seeing her play will prob be one of the funniest things of the summer. I'll post the youtube link. And it's way more fun to play with someone else than it is to play alone. No matter how frustrating it is to watch someone mess up and want to bogart the game.

OK now here are a few of my concerns: what do people where? are they fat? will i fit in because i'm fat? are they homophobes? does that even really matter? will the food be unbearable? will i lose weight because my mom can't cook (well that's not quite a concern and more a hope)? will my mom let me buy wine for dinner? will i sit in front of the tv until i kill myself (unlikely)? how will i pay for my student loans? how will i pay for anything? will people not want to hang out with me because i'm a loser living with my mom? will my mom get netflix? will my mom be unbearable (i'm hoping she's as busy as she usually is)? will my friends in SD answer my phone calls to chat? who will see movies with me? is everyone married? will there be an ultimate frisbee team still? will the ladybugs attack the house again? will i hate them just as much? and on and on.
There's a chance it won't be so weird at all. I spend the majority of my time in my media room watching DVDs anyway so at least there's that to fall back on I think.