Thursday, November 19, 2009

Extended Vacation

I guess now that I've been unemployed for a couple weeks I should write something interesting about what I've been doing. I've kind of done some interesting things but the best part is getting up at 10, watching TV for a few hours and snacking on my leftover halloween junk. I swear tomorrow I'm gonna go rollerblading again! Anyway, here's some of the fun stuff I get to do now:

I went to lunch at a fancy place downtown that serves the most delicious homemade ice cream.

I had breakfast at a place downtown that has a line around the block on weekends. I ordered the "bacon waffle." good but bad. Glad I didn't have to wait two hours for it.

I went to New York City, walked around a lot, saw friends and family, saw a movie that won't be out here for a little while, ate some bad NYC food, played the allusive "Beatles Rock Band," rode the JZ line where JayZ got his name kinda, slept in the same building as Chase Crawford, finally stayed out until 4am like young New Yorkers do, got directions from my iPhone for a cab driver who kept falling asleep at the traffic lights, saw the New York stock exchange from the outside, got (accidentally) smacked waiting for a subway train, got sassed waiting in line for a movie, ordered breakfast delivery (does that even exist here?), finally saw Let the Right One In (not scary like I thought it'd be), got pushed into a hidden back room of a purse "store" on Canal St., ordered and ate a "shawafel" (shawarma + falafel) (not as good as a "quesanacharrito") (omg a quesanachurrito would have churro in it somehow and would be so amazing!), and forgot to take pictures.

I went to Costco in the middle of the day - got free samples with no lines!

I went to Ikea in the middle of the day and got meatballs with lingonberry sauce for lunch.

I saw An Education on a Wednesday night. It was pretty good. A little weird. Turns out I like movies with Spiderman villain actors in them, except for that sand guy.

I considered signing up for Jdate. It's way more money than I thought it would be. I thought I could drop $15 and get a bunch of free dinners, but for what it costs and with my picky taste I probably wouldn't break even. I made a profile for fun. I don't like the format.

I worked on powerpoint notes for my students so that one guy will stop complaining. He hasn't.

I finished one book and started two more. It's hard to read when my eyes are so tired from watching too much TV.

I washed the toilet. And my handkerchiefs.

I applied to some craigslist jobs (got an offer to be a personal assistant - no thanks!), and researched some publishing jobs and some linguistics jobs (PhD required).

I went to extraordinary dessert with C, then ate the leftovers for breakfast with B.

Have I mentioned that this has all cost me maybe $100? People have been really generous. Wonder how long that'll last. I shouldn't push it! My future agenda: house/dogsit next week, Thanksgiving at the beach, lunch with former coworkers I can stand, J visit (I hope), trip to Florida, dinner with A at a place I've been wanting to try to a few years, see New Moon for free opening weekend, maybe surfing? maybe.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I guess this is the kind of thing I'm supposed to blog about. Wednesday morning I got fired. They were mad that I told someone (no secretly) about something they did so they told me they'd been building a file against me and that this was the last straw. I asked for specific examples of previous misconduct and they wouldn't say. I told them I didn't respect them and when they wouldn't shutup explaining in nonsense terms I told them to just stop talking. I regret not saying more about how horrible they are but now that I'm gone I realize it doesn't make a difference. I get to never see them again and they will probably wind up in jail for fraud and such.
At first I was scared of having no money but then I got home and remembered that this is what I've been dreaming of since I started at that place 2 years ago. I applied for unemployment, then I got my rollerblades and went to the beach. When I got home I bought a ticket to NYC for a long weekend, and then I had some drinks with friends that night. The next day I walked to the zoo. Today I had lunch with a friend and then we went shopping (for her, not me). Tomorrow I'm volunteering with the ACLU (with part time job prospect), and then might see a play. I could last until at least January like this. I've been so jealous of people who've lost their jobs this year and now I know it was the correct emotion. I just hope they were all as good savers as I am.
The best thing is that when this semester is over, I have no attachments to San Diego and could go anywhere in the world. The worst part is, I finally have to make a decision about my life.
This job has really ruined me for other jobs. I feel like I'm seriously scarred from it. This is the same feeling I had when I finally got rid of my last roommate: now that that's over, don't make the same mistake again! How can I get another job when I know how awful it can be? It's not even the work that's bad - it's the people and the horribleness and the greed. My mom says I can spend some time at her house. When I told her I just might she asked, "what will you do?" I responded, "you still have cable don't you?" How can I pass up the opportunity to take an extended vacation with no rent? Maybe I'll be reminded why that's a bad idea when I see her in December.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lazy again

After that cough inducing workout last week I had to take two sick days from work. Therefore, I didn't go back to bootcamp last week and now it's over. Saturday I went for a walk around the park and then trick-or-treating with C and her kids. Doesn't sound like much of a workout but I did end up passing out from exhaustion at 10pm. I had forgotten about daylight savings giving me an extra hour of sleep so I ended up awake far too early the next morning. Sunday I walked downtown to a going away party for some friends I haven't seen in two years. It was at a bar that I'm glad I know about now. Cool place with good specials. The best part about the bar is that the actual bar is a circle that wraps around outside so half the patrons can sit outside at the bar. Anyway, I got there at noon and left at 6 way too drunk for a Sunday afternoon. The walk back home was uphill so I distracted myself by imaging what people's houses looked like from the inside. It got me home. I tried to pass out but was too sick and had to ralph. Then I couldn't lie down because I felt sick so I had to sip gingerale while attempting to read my book club book. Finally feel asleep in a half sitting position. Think it was a good workout weekend? Me too.