Friday, November 6, 2009


I guess this is the kind of thing I'm supposed to blog about. Wednesday morning I got fired. They were mad that I told someone (no secretly) about something they did so they told me they'd been building a file against me and that this was the last straw. I asked for specific examples of previous misconduct and they wouldn't say. I told them I didn't respect them and when they wouldn't shutup explaining in nonsense terms I told them to just stop talking. I regret not saying more about how horrible they are but now that I'm gone I realize it doesn't make a difference. I get to never see them again and they will probably wind up in jail for fraud and such.
At first I was scared of having no money but then I got home and remembered that this is what I've been dreaming of since I started at that place 2 years ago. I applied for unemployment, then I got my rollerblades and went to the beach. When I got home I bought a ticket to NYC for a long weekend, and then I had some drinks with friends that night. The next day I walked to the zoo. Today I had lunch with a friend and then we went shopping (for her, not me). Tomorrow I'm volunteering with the ACLU (with part time job prospect), and then might see a play. I could last until at least January like this. I've been so jealous of people who've lost their jobs this year and now I know it was the correct emotion. I just hope they were all as good savers as I am.
The best thing is that when this semester is over, I have no attachments to San Diego and could go anywhere in the world. The worst part is, I finally have to make a decision about my life.
This job has really ruined me for other jobs. I feel like I'm seriously scarred from it. This is the same feeling I had when I finally got rid of my last roommate: now that that's over, don't make the same mistake again! How can I get another job when I know how awful it can be? It's not even the work that's bad - it's the people and the horribleness and the greed. My mom says I can spend some time at her house. When I told her I just might she asked, "what will you do?" I responded, "you still have cable don't you?" How can I pass up the opportunity to take an extended vacation with no rent? Maybe I'll be reminded why that's a bad idea when I see her in December.


  1. this is the best thing i ve read in a long time. i just made e listen to me read it to him while he tried to read a book. can t wait to see you! though, i was planning on riding my bike down the west coast to see you this summer...

  2. i love how you thin it's good because it sounds like me. chances are you can still ride your bike and see me this summer.

  3. can you get unemployment if you re working part-time?aren t you teaching?

  4. yeah it's called under employed. i think i can't get it cuz i was fired though. we'll see. might sue.
