Monday, November 2, 2009

Lazy again

After that cough inducing workout last week I had to take two sick days from work. Therefore, I didn't go back to bootcamp last week and now it's over. Saturday I went for a walk around the park and then trick-or-treating with C and her kids. Doesn't sound like much of a workout but I did end up passing out from exhaustion at 10pm. I had forgotten about daylight savings giving me an extra hour of sleep so I ended up awake far too early the next morning. Sunday I walked downtown to a going away party for some friends I haven't seen in two years. It was at a bar that I'm glad I know about now. Cool place with good specials. The best part about the bar is that the actual bar is a circle that wraps around outside so half the patrons can sit outside at the bar. Anyway, I got there at noon and left at 6 way too drunk for a Sunday afternoon. The walk back home was uphill so I distracted myself by imaging what people's houses looked like from the inside. It got me home. I tried to pass out but was too sick and had to ralph. Then I couldn't lie down because I felt sick so I had to sip gingerale while attempting to read my book club book. Finally feel asleep in a half sitting position. Think it was a good workout weekend? Me too.


  1. you were sick after you were sick?! maybe exercize is bad for you.
