Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Few Funny Things about the Students

This week I've had students say some gems.
One of my lessons was about sea creatures and their assignment was to create a creature that someone might discover in the future and make up it's characteristics. One student asked this: "teacher, what is it called when male fish and female fish...come come come come come?" then she made a very strange hand gesture that i interpreted as fish cumming all over each other.
My answer was, "reproduce?" still not sure if that's what she wanted.
One lesson involved them using "annoy" in a sentence and a girl wrote "my cousin brother annoys my cousin sister." i asked if her parents were also sister and brother or something. turns out she meant only male cousin and female cousin.
One lesson was about different kinds of love and then they had to define love for themselves in small groups. The best group said, "love is madness because of the chemical reaction in your brain, love is booger kissing because you don't think the other person is gross and you like the taste, love is having someone to drive you to the mental institute because you are crazy, and love is attraction but i'm too young to know what that is." They had me at booger kissing. They were just joking about the booger kissing but i thought it was great anyway. (also, i told them i have an iphone, when talking about what we love, and now they think i'm the coolest person in the world.)
A co-teacher of mine said during break that one of her students said she was unique because of her "thick mouth." we asked if she made use of the opportunity to teach them "DSL" but she didn't.
My students love to ask my age, and my relationship status. Those might be the only two things they all ask. One pointed to his nose and said "these are called freckles?" i said "yes do you like them?" and he said "no." Another asked (and this is my favorite of all time maybe), "teacher, why is your face so small?" what on earth kind of answer do they expect to questions like that? i simply said "because i was born early." a co-teacher told me they think small faces are a good thing though.


  1. how old are your students?
    my students are obsessed with my hair length. One asked if i could please have it be long by graduation. ha!

  2. they are probably 6th grade to 10th grade maybe. it's hard to tell because when i ask their ages i'm not sure if they are telling me their korean age or their western age. and if it's korean i'm not sure what that is (plus 1 or 2 years). i think they are on average 12-15 years old western.
