Saturday, April 13, 2013

You Feelin' Ayree, New Hampshire?

Last night I had free tickets so I went out in Portsmouth to see a reggae band perform.  The plan was to take a date but I figured it might be fun to go alone and meet people.  There was also the chance that it was sold out and I could give my extra ticket to a hottie waiting in line.  As usual I tried to get there late but got there early.  The show was sold out but there was no line.  It seemed like everyone there was in a group of like 15 or more so it was kind of awkward standing around waiting.  Eventually the place filled up and it was less awkward to strike up conversations with people who were standing close to me.  The opening band was not great so I made my way to the back and started talking to dudes.  I'm always curious if everyone is just from UNH so that's a big opening line for me.  One guy told me he was not and that he was 26, but then he asked me if I was at UNH and I said, "oh no I went to college a long long time ago."  Then of course he asked my age and when I told him "30" he was surprised.  So I said, "It's hard to believe; I should just tell people I'm 24." And since it was a loud place with a band playing he thought I'd been joking about the 30 and was really 24.  "Oh that makes more sense!  So you only went to college 2 years ago. That's not so long ago."  Ok sure, guy.  I really wanted to talk to the enormous bouncer but I had no idea what to talk to him about.  I asked him if he did yoga because his posture was so good.  He seemed to have a pretty low self esteem for an obvious body builder and told me he thought his posture needed work.  Then the line for the bathroom moved on and that was that.
I went back up front for the headliners.    The best part was when this totally legit reggae band kept shouting out to New Hampshire, "How you feeling, New Hampshire?" "You ready to party, New Hampshire?"  It made me laugh every time.

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