Friday, May 22, 2009


I went to a coffee shop tonight to finish a book and listen to my friend's band. Near the end of my book and the set my really ex boyfriend walks in with his friend and sits right next to me. I look up and see that unmistakable douchey chin beard thing and say hi. I get up any hug them both and then say I'm almost done with this book. I say it to let him off the hook from chatting with me. I finish the book even sooner than expected but luckily the band is on their last song so I sit motionlessly enthralled in watching them. When they are done I get up to talk to the band and I see the ex's friend looking at me to say goodbye. He looked like he really wanted to talk to me but I couldn't even remember his name. So as I'm walking away I turn around and wave goodbye without even saying anything. I talk to the band for a few minutes and then leave without looking back.
I feel like a total asshole for not talking to them but I don't actually care what they are up to and don't really want them to know about my life.
I come home and start putting away my dishes. There's a dish that the ex ate off. And there's a dish that the next douche ate off of and so on. Do I really want to start dating douches again? I was just starting to think that it would be nice to start dating a cool guy again but now I realize I don't date cool guys and I'm def not ready to start dating douches again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Next Episode

This morning on the way to work I heard Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg's "Next Episode" on the radio. Two amazing things happened while I listened and I will explain them here.

1. I heard them say they were going to drink "Yac" which I can only assume is short for Cognac. Is that not the most amazing thing of all time? Next time I eat caviar i'm going to call it "yar." e.g. "Dr. Hawking and I are were just about to enjoy some yar. Would you care to join us?"
Also, is this where Reddizog got the inspiration for "yatch" in reference to "beauty" aka "bi-atch"? I'm going to assume that Dr. Dre/Snoop Dogg and Reddizog both came to this "ending of word abbreviation" on their own and they are all/both so effing awesome.

2. When my favorite (ok one of my favorite as this song is so great) line was aired they bleeped out the n word i.e. "woopdiwoop bleep what?" This absolutley made my day. The n word has only ever been bleeped in senior English class. This can only mean one thing: PROGRESS, and I'm happy to be alive to witness it. Do you think it's because of you know who (no not Voldemort, the president!)? Who cares? I'm so excited that the word is finally being bleeped and is getting the same treatment as other, even far less offensive words. Woopdiwoop indeed!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bank statement

I was just catching up on some "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" when I saw that I had an ex's bank statement as my bookmark from the last time I read it. Since I'm currently angry with him I decided to exact my revenge by perusing the statement. Upon review I wondered if my bank statements are as boring and predictable as his. See if you can guess which ex:
Cheap grocery store
Netflix charge
Korean restaurant
Padres tix/consessions
British style pub
Used book store
Start at beginning, repeat almost exactly in order

This ex was v private about his bank info (smart) so I have no clue how it came to be in my book. My only guess is that I was at his apt early in the relationship and (now realize prob reading it aloud to him with a british accent) grabbed whatever was close to mark the page and dozed off. But it seems weird that he'd have this lying around for me to grab. I think he must've been trying to read it to me (I remember a horrible fake cockney accent) and grabbed it himself.

The absolute strangest part of this whole thing is that the statement is 3 years old and we must have used it when it was fresh (as he had a good filing system) and I haven't noticed until now, which means I haven't opened the book in three years. My fave book in my fave series and I haven't read it in 3 years? I feel shameful. I feel like I should read it over and over for a month. It just makes no sense. I can recall reading the other 6 in the past 3 years but why not this one? Maybe I felt it needed a break? I feel sick thinking about the neglect. Don't look at me.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wolverine (prob spoiler)

I feel it is my duty to review this movie because it has received horrible reviews that I don't believe are justified.
First of all, this is a comic book movie and ppl don't seem to realize that this genre is allowed an extra amount of cheese than other genres. In Marvel comic adaptations especially I think the directors have done a good job in capturing that one frame scene you'd get in a comic.
Secondly, the previous X-Men movies have focused heavily on important themes (if not for everyone than for their target audience - teens) such as intolerance, fitting in, self esteem, and bigotry. They have included a fair amount of action but it was divied up among powers and no one's fave superhero (not that everyome has the same fave) got flushed out to anyone's satisfaction. Since Wolverine is a very popular ass kicker and has powers that are made for fighting, it seems natural that his origins movie would be first and only skim the X-Men themes to get right to the fighting.
This is a movie for all of the complainers who think Wolverine is awesome and want to see him in action. And it does an awesome job at that. You have to want this action to enjoy the movie and frankly, how could you not want it - Wolverine is hot, quiet, and badass. I think the critics should shut up and go back to watching their DVDs of Slumdog Millionaire.
Lastly, the next origins movie is going to be Magneto, which will have to be a 180 from Wolverine. Magneto's movie will include the holocaust (how will it escape a Holocaust genre?) and will be heavily theme based with minimal action, mostly from him collecting a team. If I'm wrong and it's the same as Wolverine, then the critics will have been right.