Friday, July 24, 2009

Harry Potter Review (SPOILER)

I finally saw HP6 and don't really know what to think.  
I'll start with the good:
The three leads' acting was much improved.  I guess after 5 movies you're bound to get a little better.  The crying wasn't laughable like in previous films.  It helped that Harry didn't cry - Radcliffe is pretty bad at it. 
The cinematography was great.  It was shot by the same guy who did Amelie and I read that they had to undo a lot of the editing because the colors, like in Amelie, were "surreal."  I wish I could see that first version.  The shots were almost as nice as HP3, and the magic looked pretty magical.
Michael Gambon, who will never be as good as the late Richard Harris, as Dumbledore, was a bit improved.  He at least got a funny line or two: "Ah, to be young again and feel the sweet sting of love."  I wonder if we will ever find out why they made Dumbledore suck.
The story that Slughorn told Harry about his fish, which was not in the book, was great.  I thought it was sweet and really helped the plotline of Harry's mother being so special.
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was pretty cool too.  It was shot well and looked neat.  I could probably watch a half hour of just people looking through the shop, but that's not really useful.
I liked that we got to see Neville a little.  I didn't realize how little a role he plays in the 6th book.  We read about his classes in the beginning and then he's in the fight at the end (that was cut due to hatin' on Bill?) but that's it, isn't it?
Loved the scene with Harry and Ron lying in bed talking about girls' skin.  Where to boys jerk off at a boarding school?  Must be rough.
Slughorn was good.  Maybe I just enjoyed pretending Bridget Jones' dad is secretly a wizard.
I think I liked that Snape shushed Harry just before offing Dumby.  It helped strengthen the "betrayal."
Aragorn was nicely gross and scary even in death.
Harry was great on Felix.  Loved the cocky know-it-all, slightly drunk act, even though it wasn't what I expected.  Also liked Hermione drunk.
Luna's wrackspurts exist, if not the way she imagines them.  They looked like "Dust."  I was worried for a second that Harry's Daemon would show up too.
Blaise Zabini was hott.

Things I didn't like:
McLagen was hott.  How are we supposed to be against him when he licks his lips at Hermione and is super seductive?
Dumbledore doesn't know what's going on?  He sees Slughorn's true memory and is shocked? Why have they ruined Dumbledore?  Also, is he hitting on Harry?  Is this to set up the post-mortem controversy?  Harry, are you making out with Hermione?  Harry, you need to shave [giggle].  wtf?
Fleur is a great character - why cut her out?  Especially when the movie is all about hormones and she basically represents sexual desire.  Also, Trewlaney must be fun to shoot.  Weird that they would cut such visually exciting characters.
The best part about a crush is the anticipation.  Harry and Ginny don't do it well in the movie.  It's too easy, and when it does happen, it's not special enough.  The most prominent theme in the book is Love, with a capital L and it wasn't payed out well.  I guess it was obvious that they were in love but I think they introduced her too strong, too soon in the movie.
Rowling does a pretty good job of diversifying the student population in the books, and the previous movies have been okay about it.  This movie was awful - why are the Patil twins no longer Indian?  Where are the dred locks? 
Didn't realize how much I liked the Dursleys until they were gone.  I think I just feel bad for the actors.
Snape revealing that he is the HBP was so anti-climactic.  Oh by the way, remember that book you barely talked about this year?  It was mine.  You know the book - the one that helped you in potions?  The one you kinda remember hiding with Ginny?  Oh, did her kiss downplay that part?  You know what I'm talking about; It's the title of the movie.  I guess you don't care, but I am the HBP, just so you know.  Move on, Snape; we don't know what you're referring to.  

Things to Ponder:
Obviously: the Horcruxes.  It was cool that we got to see Dumbledore realize that Harry is one.  That was somehow obvious and subtle at the same time.  Liked it.  BUT, no cup? no snake? no something of Ravenclaw's?  Will it just be the locket and Harry?  Will Harry really figure it all out on his own?  Maybe Dumby will help through Snape more than originally.
Will we get to see the Fleur/Bill wedding even though they were absent?  I guess it's disposable but would be cool to see.  I think they'll do it - they already made Shell Cottage, so we know the couple will be in there somehow.
Will Kreacher be totally out?  My guess it most likely.  Maybe he'll be in the Black house to serve but not help figure out the secret of Regalus.  I hope they still go to the Black house even though we didn't find out in the movie that Harry owns it. I love the scene where Ron and Hermione fall asleep holding hands and Harry feels all alone.
The invisibility cloak was super played down, but the ring was there, as was Dumbledore's wand.  Maybe the invisibility cloak just isn't fun to film?  The stone will def be in the last movie cuz Radcliffe, in an interview, talked about filming the scene with Harry's loved ones walking into the woods.
What will Harry do about Ginny?  Hermione talks in the end about her like she'll be around.  She better not be.  EW's HP6 spread included her in all the shots, so there's a chance she'll have a bigger role than she should.  Maybe they'll play up the female power.
Will they out Dumby?  I think I hope so.  It would be nice to have a little pro-gay/anti-gay theme in the finale, especially if they get the Love theme right. 
If they cut out Xenophilia, I will be so mad.  I still remember how excited I was when I saw that he had his own chapter in the book.  Here's hoping everyone else felt the same.  Luna had a strong presence, and the Quibbler was there, so there's hope.
The Order was almost non-existent.  Will we get to see George's ear cut off?  Seven Harrys?
Will they move the "Other Minister" scene to the 7th movie or cut it completely and introduce him another way.  We know Scrimgeour will be there because he's been cast already, but I do hope to see the muggle minister meet him.  If they're cutting the book into two, they might as well keep all the fun, right?

Exciting stuff!  Can't wait to see it again.


  1. my guess is that the next movie will start with d. s funeral, and they ll cut the wedding altogether. (they already burned the house down? and they they don t have to introduce as many characters) they ll prob do the ministry stuff there? also, the inferi looked like gollem- are the next two movies going to be super lord of the rings-y? i m a lil worried. -ek

  2. totally golem-y! i meant to mention that. they were scary too. you're right about the house burning down - they prob won't have the wedding. you think they'll have the funeral? i thought they cut that.
