Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just a little more about HP/country music

I've returned home from HP6 the second time.  On the drive to the theater I caught the end of Brad Paisley's new single "Welcome to the Future."  The part I heard was about how far we've come with racism, I guess.  I was pretty excited about it because a. it's a country song, b. I love shit about racism (positive shit) and c. have the two ever before come together?  In the song he sings about how people burned a cross on the lawn of one his friends in high school.  We know the friend is supposed to be black because he's on the football team and he gets a cross burned on his lawn for asking out the homecoming.  Okay, we're halfway there.  Anyway, then he goes on to sing that we've gone from Rosa Parks to "a man with a dream."  I thought he was going to reference a man in an oval office or something along those lines, and maybe he is in a way?  But then to segue into the chorus he sings, "wake up, Martin Luther: welcome to the future."  Now, if there's anything I like more than positive racist shit, it's Martin Luther King Jr.  But what happened in the song here?  Are we singing about Christianity and the road Lutheranism has taken?  Are we singing about how the Christian KKK has gone from burning crosses to voting for black people?  Or are we honestly supposed to allow poetic license and just know he's singing about MLK Jr?  Also, we went from Rosa Parks to MLKJ?  That 40 years ago!  Does he think that was the end of racism?  We finally get a progress country song and it's only progressed to the 1960's.  Well, after the movie I needed to hear the whole song so I listened on youtube.  It's not mainly about racism at all; it's about progress - cell phones, video chat, and fusing electronic music with country style.  Oh well, I wonder if Lutherans will like it.  Do they still exist even?

Here's my segue to Harry Potter:  The 6th book includes a lot about splitting the soul and the evil that entails.  Somehow I always connected that to a passage from Martin Luther King Jr's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail": 
" ... segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality... Hence segregation is not only politically, economically and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation. Is not segregation an existential expression of man's tragic separation, his awful estrangement, his terrible sinfulness?
People must be whole together so that they can be whole within themselves.  Voldemort was always alone; he was without parental love, friendship or companionship.  Therefore, he did not see that splitting his soul was evil because he was in essence already a split soul.  Now it may seem like a stretch but if you know who V'mort is, you know that he not only splits his soul, but also splits the community.  His goal is to weed out the mudbloods and the muggles from the purebloods.  Is this not the same as segregating black and white, Jewish and goy, gay and straight?
Furthermore, in the movie, and now that I think of it, previous movies, there is a strong theme of light and dark.  Slughorn tells Harry that there is light and dark and he tries to stay towards the lighter magic.  Dumbledore fights off death with light and heat.  In the 3rd movie Dumbledore says that in times of darkness one can always turn on the light. etc.  Does this not directly come from MLK saying we must fight darkness with light?  

Have we come a long way from the 1960's?  We still find the need to teach our children about the evils of segregation.  Martin Luther King Jr.'s words are still news to us.  Is it because we only ever read the first half of his "Letter" in school?  Is it because we think we're done and therefore cannot move forward?  Is it because we compare real humans who are different, like gay people, foreigners, and people of color, to vampires , werewolves and wizards?

1 comment:

  1. i love when you get all deep on hp.

    the dark and light thing is way older than the 60s though. remember mrs danos talking about it and... everything? and the affects that has on racism and people of color? star wars? everything? i called erik darth vader (bc of his voice) this am, and he said, how come all the bad guys have darth in front of their name? i said i always thought it was a not-so-clever way of saying 'dark'. no?

    i think you re right on with the splitting stuff in hp though- she s just using magic instead of race/sexuality/gender to illustrate it.

    also, should i be worried about you living alone? is your soul splitting??? or do you just mean that people are social animals?- ek
