Monday, August 3, 2009

Me and Myself

I've always talked to myself. I know it's a common trait for thinking people to talk to themselves - it helps to work out difficult problems (carry the one), or remember directions (turn left at the light) or keep lists (remember to get bread, milk, paper towels), but I feel like I've always had a much different way of talking to myself, so much so that "myself" has almost become a separate entity from "me."
When I was a child I would talk to myself as a friend. I would tell myself about my day or role-play with myself. For example I would pretend to be Barbie and myself would be Barbie's stern mother. I would look at myself in the mirror and chat like a friend was listening and responding.
Now that I live alone I feel like it's developing in a new way. I ask myself for advice (should I go to the movies today or should I ride my bike?). I'll ask myself for an opinion (which do you like better, the blue or the yellow?). I'll even watch TV with myself (did you know Jennifer Aniston was in this?). But I think what keeps me sane is that myself will answer me in the same way that I would answer anyone with a dumb question (of course I didn't know, we're the same person!) As soon as I lose that grip on reality I will stop functioning in society.
It is nice to have someone I can talk to who appreciates my jokes and likes the same things as me, but every once in awhile myself will tell me a joke wasn't funny or the skirt I want to wear isn't as cute as I think it is.

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