Friday, September 25, 2009

Hula Hoop

So I have been pretty slackery this week with the exersize. I finally got up to something mild last night. While watching an episode of Buffy I hula hooped for 30 minutes, then did 100 crunches, and 20 side crunches on each side (this time laying my knees to one side like I saw in GQ) and 80 girly push ups. The whole thing lasted 45 minutes, just like the episode. Pretty convenient. Not sure if the Hula hopping got my heart rate up much. I got a bit sweaty towards then end but it could've just been hot in my house. The toning (ha!) gets easier when my heart rate is up (learned that from my abs of steal video I did once in middle school) so it could be that the hula hooping worked. It's hard to tell because I don't feel like I'm working out but Wii claims that the motion works something. Your core? Whatever that is. The problem with working out after teaching is that I want to eat when I'm done and by then it's 10:30. I had a handful of almonds with a fun size bag of M&Ms. Resisted a bagel.

This weekend I'm off to Phoenix to stay at a hotel with a pool. Maybe I'll do laps. Most likely it'll be too hot to go anywhere near the outdoor pool, though.

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