Sunday, October 25, 2009

Boot Camp

So I finally went to the boot camp I signed up for months ago. It's a two week unlimited deal. I went Wednesday and almost died. We started off with a run and then did some weird things up and down a hill and then did some weird pushups and situps and then some more weird things up and down a hill. I lied down for probably half of it in the middle so I wouldn't faint. I thought I'd been preparing with situps and pushups but it was the cardio that really killed me. After I showered, my face was still red for about another half hour. That night and all the next day I was pretty sore. But then on Friday it got worse. I was walking with a limp. My right knee forgot how to work and so every once in a while it wouldn't lock and I'd tip over and have to grab a wall or something. Pretty embarrassing at work. I had to use the handicap stall in the bathroom because I needed the railings to ease my way onto the seat. And they wanted me to go back Saturday morning. They said it would make me feel better! I was scared but hopeful. On Saturday morning they set up an obstacle course up two hills and in between. I stayed at the back with another girl who couldn't do much. We went slow together and got through it. WHen they said to do 30 of something, I did ten. I paused for breath a few times but I didn't have to lie down at all. I was so not dead that I even went rollerblading after. This time I'm stretching more and trying not to sit still too long.
My legs work fine now but my shoulders are a bit sore - maybe from the bear crawls up and down the hills? I'll have to go back Monday and see how it goes. The best part is I've learned new weird situps and pushups that I can do on my own.


  1. if your quads hurt too much to walk down stairs, you should turn around and go backwards. it helps.

    what re the weird push and sit ups?


  2. that is such good advice. sad i didn't think of it. my neighbors prob thought i was drunk on my way to work because i wobbled down the stoop.
    weird situps were like reaching one arm to touch the opposite leg straight in the air. weird pushups were like bringing one knee to the side up to your arm as youre going down. they're called three-pronged pushups.
