Monday, October 5, 2009

Cruise Control

Have I mentioned how much I love to abuse my cruise control? Previously I enjoyed using it really late at night when there aren't too many cars around. I'd cruise at 65 in the middle lane while angry drives rushed passed me on both sides. It's a nifty experience when you're not in a hurry.

Recently, however, I discovered that if I slouch over my steering wheel it feels like that car racing game in the bowling alley. You know the one where you can switch POVs - you can be watching your car from behind (full car view), from the drivers seat (partial car), or from the hood (no car at all). The most realistic one is the second one of course but when I hunch over the steering wheel it feels like the last one. It's pretty cool and feels dangerous but I got home safely tonight. Also it hurts my back. Totally worth it - give it a try.


  1. the dangerous part would be feeling like you could bang into a wall, or catch on fire and be fine?

  2. yeah but that stuff doesn't usually happen in the middle of the highway. no dangers there ;)
