Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Sister

I could tell from all y'all's responses whenever I spoke of my sister that you thought I should swallow my pride and talk to her again or at least apologize for the kids' sake (sorry I caused our parents divorce) so I did the least I could do after doing nothing: I asked her to be my facebook friend (again) and this time sent a message saying, I don't think your kids are assholes and I love them so please be my facebook friend so I can show off pics of them. Boy do I know my audience! She befriended me! I honestly almost cried when I saw it on my phone while stopped at a red light. Then I thought about how I was gonna blog about it. Then I mentally slapped myself to stop thinking about the blog and stay in the emotional moment. Then I thought of the "Fight Club" scene with the chemical burn. I love that scene.
Anyway, my sister posted on my wall "we have a new dad". It took me a min to realize she was referring to my mom's engagement and then I laughed so hard. Dad is both of our facebook friends so I guess that solves the problem of how he'll find out.
She also wrote about her son telling a black family that he doesn't like black ppl, and how weird it was cuz she luuuurves them.


  1. i was wondering why she posted on your wall.

    also, she should know that her kids are gonna be the opposite of her? doesn t she work with kids?

  2. awwwwwwwww

    (the Full House recorded version)
