Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here's why I'm not pretentious: I can look back at the pretentious things I've liked for the past ten years and I still like them. If I were pretentious I would look back and say, I can't believe I pretended to like that!

Here are some of the honest things that I have been annoying about loving in my past but it was never fake because I still feel the same way: Cat Steven's "Father and Son," Weird Al's "UHF," Rushmore, The Periodic Table of Elements, orange, Shia LaBeouf, A Little Princess, brussel sprouts, Arrested Development, eating healthier than the average American, folk music, Justin Timberlake, the Spice Girls, the semi-colon, Friendly's garden salads and the "wata-mellon roll," nachos, Dire Straights' "Romeo & Juliet," 112's "Peaches & Cream," rollerblading, two buck chuck, Fiona Apple, Emilie, Stella Artois, Bolga Zodoomah, "El Scorcho," the Gap, See's, bread and butter, bagels, Bombay Sapphire gin, Ketel One vodka, Tim McGraw's "Everywhere," PSU random sports t-shirts, Sex and the City season 2, You've Got Mail, the big dipper, french fries, requesting ridiculous music (or just Beyonce's "Irreplaceable")from the DJ at a club, Guster, silly shoes in horrid colors (orange), No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom," Sigur Ros "Tak," the Violent Femmes, "The Saga Begins," eating drugs, not smoking cigarettes, teenage friends, crying at the same un-sad country songs, raw carrots, Ramen, granny panties, Magnum, P.I., children's furnishings from Ikea, movie ticket stubs, pictures of people I don't really like, natural fabric, time travel, my teddy bear Slider 2360, having a default pair of pants that I wear until a crotch hole becomes offensive,, friends that think I'm funny, hot guys, utilizing each piece of notebook paper to it's fullest, my black tank-top with the velvet tiger.

Some things I no longer feel the need for in my life (but still like at the right time): DVD extras (especially watching with commentary), Bright Eyes, lyrics, going make-up-less, pajama pants in public, boxers instead of girlie(er) undies, Black Heritage Month playlists, H&M, NYC, Massachussetts, dinner, Floyd laser shows, Ska, some comedic music, dressing down at clubs, enemies, listening to my music on random, guitar players, swearing at people when I'm mad.

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